We’re often asked how HustleBoard is different from every dashboard out there. The main difference is HustleBoard is not a dashboard per se, as outlined in these points below:

Sales can be a grind, HustleBoard makes it fun by gamifying sales activity 🕹️ 🎾

When was the last time a report kept you engaged or drove more sales activity? We’ve found that “keeping score” helps increase activity levels by as much as 327% when measured and displayed. Constant visibility here is key on a day to day basis and top sales performers are even more competitive when they see progress. The knock on effects are substantial as team members push each other to ensure the team collectively hits company targets. HustleBoard also integrates into messaging channels such as Slack and Teams for celebrating individual and team achievements.

Hustleboard on laptop screen

HustleBoard is all about measuring lead measures, not lag measures

The main problem with measuring sales is, by the time the result has come in, it is too late to move the needle. Traditional reports are retrospective, and are run at the end of a predefined period, whether it be weekly, monthly or quarterly. Hustleboard is a live real time tool, similar to a scoreboard or live statistics in your favourite sports game. By providing live activity data it allows us to stay on top of our targets rather than the end of the month come and we are too far behind to affect it in a meaningful way. Hustleboard lets you stay on track.

Hustleboard is for everyone, not just managers

We’ve found that the most frequent users of the Hustleboard are sales teams, sales coordinators and production people. It’s a perfect barometer to let all parties know whether they’re having a good day, week or month, real time. Hustleboard is designed with accessibility in mind for all stakeholders and that is where the most value is gained.

Most of the time what we are seeing is a lack of clarity is the main issue - salespeople don’t often know how they are tracking and when they do, the information is inconsistent, untimely and inaccurate. In addition, HustleBoard is formatted for big screens to display key data as well as mobile and tablet.

Hustleboard is a tool for salesperson self-management, simplifies success indicators and removes micromanagement

We’ve all heard the story of a sales manager constantly chasing up or breathing down the neck of underperforming salespeople. Everyone knows micromanagement is deflating and un-motivating. Plugging into multiple sources of data including your CRM, invoicing system, VOIP and ticketing software means everyone has a clear and comprehensive picture of their current status. With full visibility on your key metrics, HustleBoard allows each person in your team to see where they are at and alter their behaviours and activity levels accordingly.